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mZuzek said:
Miyamotoo said:

Again Lol, I never said that OoT aged poorly, actually its great game even 20 years later, but of course that ever game age and that time influences on quality. For isntance is there a point to compare graphics of OoT and BotW, game from this year and game from 20 years ago!?

Yes, it is pointless to compare Breath of the Wild's graphics to any other Zelda game, because it is by far the prettiest one of them all - but that's not due just to it being "newer". Ocarina of Time is newer than A Link to the Past, and looks worse. Twilight Princess is newer than The Wind Waker, and looks worse (even on the HD remasters the same applies). Good graphics are determined by good art direction, and good use of the hardware it's on (then again, it's really hard to ever find a decent-looking game on any 3rd or 5th generation console). But anyway, graphics are not the only thing that age.

Gameplay also ages. Playing a game in sub-20fps nowadays, with extremely unresponsive controls today is extremely obnoxious.

Playing a game nowadays where you're halted with dialogue that scrolls at an EXTREMELY slow speed every 3 minutes is extremely obnoxious.
Playing a game nowadays where you're forced to switch boots constantly in a water dungeon, but it takes 15+ seconds to switch is extremely obnoxious.

Look, I could go on and on. The truth is, some of these problems have been flaws ever since the game released, but back then they were probably overlooked by most who were amazed at the scope of the game and what not.

Thank you. Glad to know I'm not the only one on that page here.