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Bravely Second(3DS)- Really Good. I had a lot of fun playing and breaking the mechanics of this one. The music is not good as the 1st but still pretty good. The game mostly picks up after chapter 4. Then it turns into a roller coaster. The characters and story are all pretty good to get you through the games. I would argue the characters are what make the story work. Recommended if you like JRPGS. Plying the 1st game is not needed but it enhances the game.

Fire Emblem Fates(3DS) - I played birthright,conquest and revelation back to back so I definitely felt some fatigue in the end. However it was a joyful experience. This game definitely gives you a good bang for your buck. Each game has its weaknesses and strengths. However they are all fun to play. Recommended if you like Fire Emblem games. If you never played one then thi will be a decent place to start. However I think Awakening is better for a 1st Fire Emblem game.

What did I play before Fire Emblem? That game took forever to beat. I think it was Pokemon Moon

Pokemon Moon (3DS) - Fun game. It is the freshest pokemon game I played since Gold/Silver. It went too heavy on nostalgia as the game pretended nothing but kanto exists. The game also had a charming story and decent gameplay. Recommended if your a pokemon fan. If you want this to be your first it wouldn't hurt you and you will have fun.

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
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