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Acevil said: Naughty dog did do it, but I think you are being awfully critical of nintendo lately, for things that I never seen you critical of other companies for. 

Don't know if they were the first, but they did. Fire Emblem Fates did do that as well, and I ended up not buying it, still wondering if I should, since conquest was more than good enough for me. 

I know for sure birthright I am not getting since I was never fan of super simple fire emblem. 

Thanks...I was trying to remember where else I saw something like this. I though it was Uncharted 4...but I wasn't too far off.

Honestly...I don't really mind here anyway. 3D Zelda games haven't typically offered a Hard Mode in the vanilla versions (if I recall correctly, only Windwaker and Skyward Sword had a Hero Mode, and both required you to finish the game first). If this purely an extra hard mode...than I mind even less. We'll see how it turns out, but if it's similar to Hyrule Warriors, then I doubt this is anything to worry about, as the added content there more than made up for the price.

Oh, and regarding Fire Emblem Fates, I wouldn't say that Revelations is necessary to get the full experience, as all three games are self-contained. I very much felt like I was getting three seperate campaigns, rather than added story content.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334