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Congrats to those that love dlc.

Not sure what I'll do. Don't care for the t-shirt and likely not the items either. Most likely be early overpowered items that quickly become irrelivent.

Hard-mode? That's a shame its behind paywall. If I want to replay game, I will purchase that I'm sure. Wodner why it's behind a paywall and not on release. Are they changing hardmode? Usually hard mode is just you take double damage in Zelda and no hearts in grass/pots/ect. Don't see how that couldn't be ready for launch, or part of the first DLC if they wanted.

Don't care about cave of ordeals.

New story/dungeon. depends on size and if still want to play the game 9 months after release. Sure a new story and dungeon would want me to play again, but only if its a decent size. Hardly worth popping back in to play an hour long dungeon and that be it.

All in all, BOOO DLC.