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swyggi said:
Onimusha12 said:
darthdevidem01 said:

once again you spew your typical BS

the Series ISN'T on a decline...

as every game after the first FF on a platform always sells less....

e.g FF7 - 9.8 million -- LOADS of hype -- setting standards for grfx

FF8 - 8 million

FF9 - 5 million -- very low hype as PS2 had luanched then


FF 10 - 8 million -- LOADS of hype....set grfx standar

FF12 --5 million -- LESS HYPE -- PS3 had launched (i mean FF12 came out the month PS3 Eu it came on the same week

see a pattern


So you're activily ignoring the fact that Squre-Enix has lost the lion's share of its talent and its games have only dissapointed more and more fans.

FF13 will be suffocated relatively by the PS3's limited appeal in regards to the casual and core audience that made the PS2 such a success.

Even then if sales are all you think I'm basing my argument on then you paint our own bias right on your face in this clumsy debut. FF13 will have alot of hype, but forgive me if I at least don't think fans have gotten tired of the dissapointing decline in FF games. Do you really think a flashy RPG will sell that well on a console that is geared towards FPSs and Western Gaming? Perhaps you have seen the PS3's sales in Japan as of late.

You're confusing the PS3 with the 360.  Yes, the PS3's sales have declined in Japan, but only because Sony took out BC from the PS3 in Japan from the 60 gig (which they really shouldn't have done).  FFXIII is a guaranteed system seller, no doubt.  Some people may be skeptical, but considering that FFXIII is SE's first major FF on an HD console, it should sell really well.  Don't forget that in Japan, the FF series has the best record for launch debuts.  Generally they sell about 1.5-2million on the first day.  That's about as much as the current PS3 install base. 

Wishful thinking my friend, wishful thinking. FFXIII will sell well, but don't expect it to even come close to its predicessors. There is just too much stacked up against this game for it to pull a FFXII much ales a FFX. And do you really think people are willing to give Final Fantasy another benefit of the doubt gamble after both FFXI and FFXII?