A_C_E said: 2.5 hour battery life clearly indicates to me that it is a home console with a portable mode. In order to get the most out of PSVtia and 3DS you simply need just those, the PSVita and 3DS. Switch in portable mode is not the same as it is in dock mode, in dock mode you get full utilization but with portable mode you get 2.5 hours of portability. Portability is clearly the added feature here, not the dock. |
So its all about the battery life for you right?
3DS: 3.5-5.5hrs
Switchh: 2.5-6hrs (according to nintendo)
What "full utilization" do you get with the dock mode? You realize you don't even need the dock to harge the unit right? You literally could use the console for an entire year without ever plugging it into the dock once. And your experice would be no different from someone using it with the dock. Outside of a slightly higher resolution when outputting to TV.