Intrinsic said: I consider it to be a portable. But indulge me, tell me why you think its a home console and I will tell you why I think its a portable. And the power argumnet is irrelevant.... if a PSvita was made in 2017, it would probably be as powerful as the switch. Thats just technology for you. And power isn't only about resolution. Just look at horizon running on the base PS4 at 1080p and BoTW running on the NS at 900p/720p. Its like comparing games two generations apart. So lets just leave the power argumnet out of this. So go on, tell me what makes the NS a home console. |
2.5 hour battery life clearly indicates to me that it is a home console with a portable mode. In order to get the most out of PSVtia and 3DS you simply need just those, the PSVita and 3DS. Switch in portable mode is not the same as it is in dock mode, in dock mode you get full utilization but with portable mode you get 2.5 hours of portability. Portability is clearly the added feature here, not the dock.