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jason1637 said:
celador said:
we know it will be a tiny win for PS4, and the first time Xbox One wins a month the gap will be large

i also bet we hear from them that Xbox One came second in March, as neither Sony nor Microsoft will mention placements unless they come first

Why would Xbox come in 2nd in March? I think PS4 will.

Is something major being released for XB1 in March?


If not, I don't think that xb1 can outsell ps4, till it get its own powerful revision... ( Ps4 pro  secures ps4 lead ) If of course, scorpio is truly a revision and not a an xbox one new gen successor.

Although, MS could still combine the sales of scorpio and xb1, like Nintendo did with game boy and game boy color, albeit gbc wasn't a massive technological leap and the price wasn't much higher over the cheap gb, but it had its own brand new huge game library and came nine years after gb.

However, in that case market scorpio as revision with games incompatible with xb1, could be detrimental...

It's like saying to xb1 owners: Did you spend 300$ for xb1, pay now 400$ for its revision which will have games that xb1 won't.