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d21lewis said:
You ever play a Vita? How does it compare in comfort?

Only held a Vita in my hands like twice, so I can't say for sure, but based off comparison pics of the 3DS XL, a Switch would probably feel slightly bigger.

I know a Vita has a slight curve in the back, so a Vita would probably feel a little better in the hands, but I can't say that for sure.

Einsam_Delphin said:
Did you get a look at Bomberman? People have been saying it looks n runs badly.
Also the non-offset sticks on the Joycons weren't a problem for you while playing Splatoon?

Unfortunately not, but the game seemed to look fine from the glimpses I got from it, but ofc I can't say for sure.

I didn't mind the offset joysticks for Splatoon, but the demo used motion controls, so I only used the second stick for turning left and right, while I used motion for looking up and down.

Bandorr said:
So how was the lack of d-pad?
Did you try any 2d platformers with it?

I tried Sonic Mania with a single joycon, and it felt perfectly fine to me. I'm still gonna use the pro when I get Sonic Mania, but a single joycon wasn't uncomfortable at all, and it works.

spurgeonryan said:
What area of Zelda did you play?

Just the beginning part, where you start naked, then talk to an old man. I entered a dungeon, but the demo automatically ended as soon as I did.

sabastian said:
I have to admit, I'm a graphics whore. Along with loving awesome game play.

1) What game had the best graphics ? And compared to lets say Tomb Raider.
2) Comparing the screen resolution to a Vita game, how does it compare ?

Thanks for your feedback.

All the games I played were cartoonish, so I couldn't compare to something like Tomb Raider, but both Arms and Splatoon 2 looked amazing while having vibrant colors so I would say that.

Never really used a Vita like I said, but based off pics I've seen, the screen of the Vita seems a little brighter, but the screen on the Switch still looks crisp, and you could see all the colors and whatnot.

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."