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Garcian Smith said:
rudyrsr8 said:
So they announce a new game with only screen shots and no real info so what does that mean?

It means that Capcom has been a (the most?) consistently high-quality publisher for the Wii, and that us Wii owners should be excited about receiving a new exclusive.

On a side note, I find the reactions to this game in this forum hilarious.

Some developer announces another gritty, realistic shooter with gritty, realistic visuals for the PS3/360, and the reaction is "OHMIGOD THAT LOOKS SO AWESOME THIS GAME IS GONNA ROCK YOUR SOCKS OFF!!!" (See: Haze, Killzone 2)

Then another developer announces an interesting-looking game with a unique, colorful art style for the Wii, and the reaction is "meh. it's probably gonna suck." (See: This game, and games like Deadly Creatures)

What does it say about the "hardcore" gaming community in general that we're basing so much on simple screenshots?

umm you guys are aware there's a video trailer aren't you