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*bleu-ocelot* said:
Words Of Wisdom said:

Are you one of those silly people who believes that niche automatically equals low sales?

No.I just find you funny;a game that sells well over 5 mil copies,which means it appeals to the mass market,is considered niche? Are GeoW,SMG,and Halo niche also? lol Your quite funny indeed.

You still don't understand, niche does not mean low sales.  It means narrow interest.  A game can have a huge fanbase and sell millions yet still be niche.  Halo/GeoW cannot be niche because the genre they're a part of (shooter) is enormous and extremely mainstream as its popularity has grown significantly among console owners in this and last generation.  Super Mario Galaxy is not niche for the opposite reason.  While the genre (platformer) has been under-represented IMO so far this generation, the enormous branding power of Nintendo/Mario could practically pull the game out of niche status alone .