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Playing it as a Home Console mode I would certainly use the TV Sound. While headphones for Handheld Mode. Since PS2 was the last none Nintendo console/handheld I jave had...... This is not an issue for me.



Hynad said:
shikamaru317 said:

That actually is a pretty lame, not as lame as Apple leaving the headphone jack off iPhone 7, but still pretty lame. I use the headphone jack on both my XB1 and PS4 because I have them hooked up to a monitor instead of a tv. Now I'll have to buy a wireless headset, which are significantly more expensive.

Man... You're there everytime something remotely negative is mentioned about the Switch... I didn't think you were like that. :-/

Don't you know! The Switch has 3 types of fans!

- The people who comes for positive news

- The people who come for negative news

- The people who come for both positive and negative news. 


Its easy to identify which users is what. 

Pocky Lover Boy!