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It's Nintendo's fault. They've created this so called blue ocean with casual games like Wii Sports. Even Nintendo's hardcore games like Mario Galaxy are considered as casual games by outsiders. Hardcore Wii gamers are screaming for more third party support. Ubisoft looks at Sales of No more Heroes, Zack & Wiki and says NO. Wii Fit and brain training are easy money for Nintendo. Their blue ocean just doesn't suit most of Ubisoft's games. BG&E2 could have been a Wii title IMO.

Why should Ubisoft split the market even more? There is already a hardcore split between PS3 and 360. Nintendo is the one that should create more hardcore games like Eternal Darkness etc. However this isn't a wise choice, because whatever Nintendo will do it won't make a big difference just like it did with gamecube.

Just like the other way around, it doesn't make sense to bring word coach or Petz to PS3/360.