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sieanr said: mancandy said: Who the fuck is Chris Hecker and what the fuck does he know about art? I don't see sculptors saying to painters "You know, canvas sucks. You don't get a true 3D effect with should try marble." Art is not defined by the medium. What a retard. Actually allot of artist look down on other mediums, and if I remember correctly Michelangelo thought sculpture was the best medium. But his argument wasn't with the medium. It's with Nintendo's stance towards games as art, in which case I think he forgets Nintendo makes software and their aim for that is fun. I doubt Nintendo is against any games on the Wii being called "art, hell they'd probably welcome those titles with open arms.
Is that why he painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel? Come on? Do you really think John went up to Ringo and said "lead guitarist always gets the chicks"? Okay....maybe he did. But did he say "drums suck, you can't play complicated chords on them"? No. It's music played through a different medium. I think Hecker critizied the Wii itself as a medium. That it is not adequate to deliver artsy games. What does processing power have to do with art?

Wii Code 8761-5941-4718-0078