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Truthfully ,I think that the Nintendo Switch will be a massive success for Nintendo. I doubt it will be as successful as either the XboxOne or the PS4 but it does not need to be.

The biggest failing with the WiiU was that no one aside from avid gamers even knew it was a separate system. Which made it a really hard sell to parents who want to know why they would need to buy another Wii when the one they already have works just fine. There was almost no marketing for it and as a result there was no support from anyone but Nintendo.

The Switch already has a larger following. More people know about it. It has an entirely new name so there is no confusion. Finally the core idea behind it and it being a hybrid is an incredible selling point. Think of it from a parents point of view. They won't have to buy their kids a Nintendo 3DS for car trips. When they want to watch TV and the kid wants to play games the kid just goes portable. When the parents aren't watching TV the kid can have a gay old time using it in Console mode. Granted the WiiU had this ability too, but no one really knew about it and again, few people even knew the WiiU was not just a Wii.

My Nintendo is DOOOOMED comment was just satire incase no one picked up on it.