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RolStoppable said:
Srassy said:
The worst thing that can happen for these people is if Donald Trump unexpectedly does amazing. This is one of those things that only time is going to solve because people sure as heck won't change their opinions now.

Trump is going to get re-elected and he is going to pull it off with ease. His motivation to be president won't settle for anything less.

With ease? Less than a month into his first term and he's already causing national and international outrage while promoting an almost Orwellian view of the free press a.k.a fake news...

Within two years he'll be impeached and the Republicans will happily put Pence in charge. I have a feeling that parts of Trumps inner-circle are setting him up for a fall to enable this - it's hard to see why he hasn't been told to leave the idea of fake news alone, or election fraud, other than certain people want to see him fail.