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RolStoppable said:

The real catch here is that you chimed in to a conversation I had with Kerotan, but saw no reason to call him out for his statements.

Thats because his statement to you was relatively accurate. I don't agree with it entirely, but I also don't disagree with it.

Same way how I chose not to quote the OP you made about how well the NS would sell and the flaimbait remark that follwed about it being unfuriating to some. Cause again, don't agree nor fully disagree with it.

But what I did focus on though, what I quoted you and talked about. I fully disagree with. 

You turn every single critic against the NS, no matter how true it is or valid, into an Us against them thing. And you do it every single time.

Whats funny is that this is all really simple and clear for all to see, Nintendo has always appealed to a certain kinda gamer. Those that are ONLY interested in nintendo hardware games or those that have the NS as a secondary platform. If you have bought into at least the last 4 generations (including the NS) of nintendo hardware, its also an indisputable fact that there is a very large library of games you are turning you back on if its your only platform. Its just flat out obtuse reasoning and an ignorant practice to dismiss every great game out there simply because its not on a nintendo platform. And that is why I singled out your post.

Its ok to be only into nintendo, but you really need to grow up if you think that somehow they are the only ones that make great games.