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OdinHades said:
Intrinsic said:

smh....... honestly, you are beginning to sound like nintendo pays you. All you had to do was add in "some" and you post wouldn't have sounded so....... I don't ven know.

He's right though. No point in altering the truth. It can even be backed up by facts. Out of the top 10 of the best games of all times on metacritic, 5 titles are from Nintendo. The other 5 are basically Grand Theft Auto. 

So then its not true then right? Its still  "some" of the best games unless of course by your analysis GTA doesn't count.

Secondly, its not a fact that because some poeple say so, or you think so.... a game that you consider as one of the best games ever is also a best game to "me".

Which is what makes talk like what you and Rol are pushing ridiculous. Ga,e preference is completely subjective. And it is flat out ignorant to make blanket staements like that and say one platform has "all the best games" automatically disregarding the games on other platforms.

As I said, all he had to dowas add "some" to his post and he wouldn't have sounded so..... well let me just stop there.

Try and listen to what I am saying instead of just become a wall...... I am not disputing that nintendo has made some of the best games, I am saying its stupid/ignorant to say they are the only ones that have done that. Which is what rols post would have you believe.