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I look up to vegans/vegetarians who have become so for moral reasons. Most of humanity is pretty low end scum and I don't exclude myself from that description. It's nice to see some of humanity that understand the cruelty and horror of eating animals. Sadly I am a meat eater and do enjoy it but I've managed to cut down hugely on the amount of meat I eat. Most of my freezer is vegetarian food with some exceptions being chicken breasts. I also have a few tins of tuna that I have with salad. I just don't think I can go fully vegetarian and not sure I actually want to. I certainly couldn't go vegan. I don't eat much red meat at all. The sunday roast is about it which is about 3/4 of the time beef with chicken the other times.

If I'm going out for a meal at a pub or restaurant I don't restrict myself in anyway, whatever I fancy really.

Had 2 jars of lasagne sauce that I hadn't used and were on their use by date so had to use them and so made some vegetarian lasagne's rather than meat based because I had no meat in the house. Made them as interesting as possible with lots of different flavours and spices. In the end I didn't miss the meat at all, if anything prefered the vegetarian lasagnes. Made about 6 lasagnes of varying sizes and once cooked froze them. The last one I only reheated a few days ago and still great. Not using meat, saved a fair bit of money, was healthier and no sacrifice to the flavour at all.