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ps4tw said:
Barkley said:

I agree, people seem to just say "But if they still make a profit they'll keep making hardware!". But in reality it doesn't work like that. If there is a MORE profitable avenue for them to go down, they may take it. It's about achieving the most success, not enough success to keep doing what you're doing.

While this is sensible and would hold true in most companies, the issue is that Nintendo is still very "Japanese" in its business strategy i.e. scared of change. Even though for a long time it's been apparent that Western-style gaming is popular, Nintendo has refused to make any Western-orientated IP, and out of reluctance to change, they may not choose the most profitable avenue. 

I agree that it wouldn't be a change Nintendo would ever make lightly, it would be a very difficult and major decision. Considering they just had a change in President though there may be a change in doing things, or maybe not.

Regardless considering the Switch is just about here it won't be anything that happens in the next several years if at all, but if things go south with hardware they have shareholders to answer to.