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The left has completely lost its moral high ground in the past years and advocating the assassination of Trump only reveals how ugly they really are. The left now has more in common with mind-controlled cultists then they do with any kind of legitimate political movement. You used to fight for women's rights to vote and to work, for black people to have basic human rights. You had men like Martin Luther King who had the option and the cause to turn to violence but instead choose peace and love to resolve grave social injustice. You fought against unjust wars like Iraq where lousy governments went to war over made up issues. What happened to you?

Now I look at the left calling for martial law and the assassination of a president who has barely been in office for two weeks. You spend your time calling a man a fascist and a racist who spent a significant part of his inaugural speech talking about how all Americans have the same color blood regardless of our race and how he wanted to unite the country (you haven't even given him a chance). Trump talks about uniting people while the left-wing media spends almost all of its time segregating people into black and white categories and talking about how angry we should all be. The feminists now spend their time sulking about vague concepts like rape culture and white male privilege while more women then men now earn university degrees and then they go on to completely ignore the massacre and mass sexual abuse of women in the middle east at the hands of a barbaric hyper-masculine culture. The left once held the moral high ground on war but now you are advocating open war with Russia over a vastly disproportionate issue such as hacking and of which you have seen zero proof (furthermore you are being informed by the same agency that told you that Iraq had WMDs).

The left has crossed the line from being the good guys on many issues to being outright bad. The left are starting riots, beating up women, trashing property while they accuse Trump of being Hitler. The left has far more in common with Hitler than Trump does right now, this is dangerous cultist mind control and if you support the left then you need to wake up and see the harm that you are causing right now. And remember, the only thing more dangerous then a stupid person is a smart person who chooses not to use their brain.