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badgenome said:
VGPolyglot said:

The United States has arrested thousands of people suspected of being socialists:

I said that violence is a reaction to desperation: nobody cares about their pleas and cries for help when they try to be peaceful, and it seems like fighting back is the only way that anyone will listen to them.

For interfering with the draft under sedition laws that were repealed almost 100 years ago and would be considered unconstitutional today.

These overwhelmingly white, overwhelmingly college educated masked shithead anarchists aren't desperate or suffering. They're just shitheads.

"The Socialist Party`s strength was further sapped by 1920, because of government suppression and public disapproval during World War I. Such anti-socialist hysteria as the Red Scare, and internal factionalism aggravated by the presence of Communists, took their toll. Fears associated with the Bolsheviks` seizure of power in Russia, bombings in the United States, along with a series of labor strikes, led to the Red Scare in 1919. Suspected socialists and Communists were arrested and thrown into jail. In the end, of the 5,000 people who were given arrest warrants"

1920 was after WWI, so no it was not because of the draft.

Also, it's not like college-educated white cannot have problems. Many have problems finding employment after graduation and cannot pay off their student loans, sinking further and further into debt. The genius of the right is that they can take people's misfortunes and turn it from a class issue into a race issue so that they believe that it's immigrants that are screwing them instead of the rich.