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I'm all for fighting back against people with legitimate dangerous beliefs, like if someone is actually a nazi or a racist and is trying to spread or cause violence and hate, but the issue with using literal violence as the method to combat back against it is that it could easily lead to a slippery slope where if all it took was for someone to claim someone is something for them to get shutdown or even attacked then that would get abused to all hell and more than likely affect more innocent people who have done nothing wrong than the people who actually are those things. Especially during a time where things were as heated as they were then and some of the more extreme people on both "sides" would literally call each other things that they themselves knew weren't true but did so anyway to make the others look like the devil.

It was a situation where I felt it was more important to look at the bigger picture here as otherwise it was something that effected everyone, even the things you support.

Edit: I'm editing this comment to rewrite it as to accurately portray what I intended to say, as my original post was poorly written.

Last edited by FloatingWaffles - on 13 August 2021