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If I had to use my phone, I could simply call them. Or do a conference on Skype/Hangouts. I don't know why it is so hard to implement. They are probably fearing that this could be a downside to the kids market, since parents would rather not have any kind of chat in the games.

It's not the end of the world, but it is clumsy to have to use another device for a funcionality available in most consoles.

Nuvendil said:
Still not sure what they mean by using smart devices. Is it the actual vehicle for chats? Is it how you set up parties? Like, what is it.

In the interest of pointing out some irony, I will say the integrated general chat on my PS4 is a ghost town in games like Titanfall 2, Battlefield 1, etc etc. And very few people I know use it, most opting for Skype. Kinda funny that while people are desperate for integrated voice chat on Switch, integrated voice chat at least on PS4 is pretty under utilized from what I have seen (probably due to how obnoxious it can be).

I don't know a single PS4 player who uses Skype for chat. Everyone just sets up a party. The in-game chat is pretty quiet in most games, but that's because you don't hear people on parties, they have exclusive communication. It's a basic feature for any competitive game. Everyone on UC4 ranked is on parties. Same with Overwatch. It's an extremely used feature for most. I've played TLOU in competitions and I would never, EVER, enter a match with a team with zero communication.