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badgenome said:
VGPolyglot said:

The thing is, they are already doing it. As I said, this is a reaction, you can't be peaceful against a violent enemy. Yes, the people that were targeted might have been the wrong people, but you're acting like the violence is unprovoked and before this violence was some sort of unheard of thing that never occurred. Remember, the United States has allowed KKK members speak while simultaneously punishing and arresting socialists for their speech, so free speech is not even really guaranteed unless the US is fine with it.

What is this a reaction to? Specifically, when and how has Milo been violent? And does merely showing up to see him speak justify sufficient provocation to be beaten up?

Are you really trying to suggest that violence is somehow justified because violence has always existed? "Well, yes, your honor, I did murder him, but it's like I'm the first guy to ever murder anyone, so WTF?"

When have socialists ever been arrested in the United States for merely being socialist and not for committing some crime?

The United States has arrested thousands of people suspected of being socialists:

I said that violence is a reaction to desperation: nobody cares about their pleas and cries for help when they try to be peaceful, and it seems like fighting back is the only way that anyone will listen to them.