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ctk495 said:
amp316 said:
ctk495 said:
Luigi's purple coins were annoying but the best way to beat that is to watch a video of someone doing it then you will realise that it is not impossible.You should follow the video and play like the guy that was able to beat it then after 50 tries of failure and getting frustrated you will probably need do it more times to be able to be it.I am sure you will be able to beat it you just need some patiece it took me like 2 hours but anyways in my opinion that's not the most annoying level for me it was Dreadnought Galaxy: Battlestation's Purple Coins that sh*t was annoying as hell.

See, it wasn't that hard for me. I got it in a few tries after I figured out that I didn't need all of them. The Dreadnaught Purple Coin Level had me wanting to kill someone. Nobody mentioned the Bouldergeist Daredevil Comet. That was a pain too.

The bouldergeist was not actually hard it was tricky if you didn't know how to do it then it would have been impossible. I saw a video on youtube of some guy doing it and then I tried it and it worked but before I have done that it was almost impossible for me to beat it, I kept dying :(

Y'know, it's kinda funny^^; I was able to do the bouldergeist daredevil run on my first try. Which is really weird 'cause it took me a ton of tries to do the normal one. I did get ticked off by the Lava volcano place's daredevil one^^;

There was also some other one that gave me trouble, but the rest were fine it seemed^^;

Also, ditto grey :3 first time with Weegee, but it took a while with Mario. I have to say, Luigi was fun to play as^^

The Mother 3 Fan Translation is done! Everyone go get it right now! (

Play Earthbound for the SNES ; ; Do it, it's awesome!

Proud participater of this year's Wii Secret Santa event! Hopefully you'll join the merriment next year!
Link below because I fail at embedding urls.