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badgenome said:
VGPolyglot said:

No, it doesn't turn out every way: Catalonia and Western Ukraine has anarchist movements, but they were unfortunately crushed by either Francisco's fascist backed regime or Lenin/Stalin's totalitarian regime. Also, I fail to see how sending to concentration camps and gassing is equivalent to "punching communists" like you say.

Okay, so perhaps some small group of people can successfully achieve "real communism" for about two seconds before they all starve to death or are invaded and smashed. Either way, seems like a pretty shit system.

I didn't say anything about gassing anyone, so again: if it's okay to punch fascists to keep them from spewing their hateful nonsense, why isn't it okay to punch communists to keep them from spewing theirs?

I don't see how being invaded and smashed is a symbol of a shit system. It's just a sign that authoritarian leaders feel threatened by them because they might have the same thing happen to them as well.

Also, the reason is that fascist ideology is forever violent: they won't stop, as they will either try to completely ethnically cleanse their region or keep trying to maintain an authoritarian regime. In communism, the revolution would be violent, but that's because many people would not just willingly give up their reign of oppression: why else would they have tanks? I generally support a peaceful, happy place, but as I said before, you can't be peaceful against a violent regime.