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badgenome said:
VGPolyglot said:

Except they even admitted that they weren't communist, communism was only a goal, which was obviously a scam. I'm an anarcho-communist, I don't support the Leninist regimes, but even then if you studied them, you'd discover that they said that they were attempting to achieve communism, which means that they flat-out say that they were not at the point of communism. Now, I am well aware that the Soviet Union, Hungary, Poland, etc. were lyign when they said that they wanted to eventually reach communism, but it doesn't change the fact that they, even in a sea of propaganda, didn't even have the gall to say that they're communist.

And yet every "communist" revolution turns out exactly the same way. If I didn't know better I'd say that communism is impracticable, utopian nonsense that only has ever and only will ever result in tyranny.

But to my main point: if it's okay to punch fascists, why isn't it okay to punch communists?

No, it doesn't turn out every way: Catalonia and Western Ukraine has anarchist movements, but they were unfortunately crushed by either Francisco's fascist backed regime or Lenin/Stalin's totalitarian regime. Also, I fail to see how sending to concentration camps and gassing is equivalent to "punching communists" like you say.