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My main thought with Ubisoft at the moment is "Why on earth would you choose to put Beyond Good and Evil on the HD consoles?"

Beyond Good and Evil was a very enjoyable game and its greatest strengths was was its stylish and colorful (HD Translation: Childish) art style, and its accessable and creative gameplay (HD Translation: Casual); basically, everything which the HD console owners seem to reject.

I could be wrong, but I'm starting to expect a replay of Psychonaughts where a large budget, high qualty, very unique game bombs because they didn't target the gamers who would apprieciate the game the most. There are two platforms on the market right now which are (entirely) focused on creative and unique gameplay experiences and somehow Ubisoft decided to release its most creative and unique game on the other platforms which tend to reject creative and unique gameplay experiences in favour of shooters and similar genres...

-Edited by moderator