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I'm sorry, but boycotting games you had no intention of buying anyway is not only destined to fail at making a statement or causing Ubisoft to take notice, it's utterly pathetic as well.  If any of you guys are actually serious and willing to take some action instead of spouting off a bunch of text on a forum in anonymity, you need to do something a little more creative.

Today I ordered a 60cm plastic shovel off of and sent it to Ubisoft HQ, care of their Wii Division, along with the note:

"Voici un cadeau pour vous aider avec votre "shovelware" de Wii. Bonne chance avec cela Nintendo-comme la qualité!

De: Propriétaire contrarié de Wii"

Or, translated:

"Here's a gift to help you with your Wii shovelware.  Good luck with that Nintendo-like quality!

From:  Disgruntled Wii owner"

My French is a bit rusty but that's pretty good imo, and it only cost 10 euros and a few minutes of my time ordering online.   The address I chose is publically available off their corporate website, and the French Amazon is a direct parallel to the English versions so it's pretty easy to navigate even if you don't know any French.  (I used since it's a helluva lot cheaper for shipping, as Ubisoft HQ is in Paris.)

So can you put your money where your mouth is?  Or are you just another fanboy full of empty words?