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Previews are looking good, the cutscene issue everyone seems to be referring to isn't evidently representive of other quests, sort of sounds like an anomaly.
Anyway, here's a quote from the author at Ars Technica he posted on NeoGAF. More impressions from him at the link, the hype is real

mine from Ars Technica:

I'll be online to answer questions about my play. But, my oh my, did I like what I saw.

This is where pre-encounter planning really pays off. You might start by laying down an electric-wire trap by placing two poles near each other, which brings up a live wire on the ground. In fact, lay down a couple of those on the encounter's outskirts, for good measure. Then launch an explosive slingshot charge at one end of a herd's strongest creatures, which will send them scurrying in the opposite direction.

Switch to your bow, with a fire-tipped arrow, and aim at a weak spot on the head of a slower-moving guard creature (you already scanned it, right?). Hit that shot, let the fire damage start wearing that sucker down, and equip your rope-tying gun. Now, use that to slow and stymie the fastest, most aggressive creature that might otherwise charge at you. Get the bow back out, lay down some arrows to take out some of the wimpier Watchers, and rush up to that tied-up beast and land a few "critical" blows.

When it breaks loose from the ties, run back to the outskirts and hope it chases you right through those traps you set earlier. The traps won't hurt you, but they'll definitely hurt the thing behind you.

Cool. The enemy is now weakened by about 70 percent. Finish it with carefully timed attacks and dodge rolls. Also, don't forget the super-powered abilities you've unlocked with level-up points. These include, among other cool things, an incredible time-slowing effect whenever you run and slide—which lets you carefully aim an arrow or two at an enemy's weak point just when you need it.