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Nope. War is pointless and brings nothing but destruction and death, i'm not gonna fight in something that I don't agree with.

Especially since in the US the government tries to FORCE each citizen to sign up for the Selective Service System in which if there ever is a war and they decide to use it they will pick randomly from a list of names or some shit, and if you don't sign it they threaten you with 5 years of jail time and a huge ass fine. I know that the draft hasn't been used in a long time, but it's still fucking disguisting how that system hasn't been gotten rid of yet somehow after all this time. They don't even want to give people an option, they want to scare them into signing it. Why would I ever want to fight for a country that has a policy like this in place still, even if it hasn't been used in a long time and maybe won't ever be used again, the fact that it ever existed in the first place is horrible.

They have the army, marines, navy, etc, people that WILLINGLY volunteer to do that with their lives, and those people deserve respect for making that decision, but the government or whoever is in charge of the draft trying to FORCE everyone else into signing up in case of a potential war by trying to scare them into doing it is just disguisting.

I have my own life to live, i'm not gonnna die fighting for someone elses problems, especially when I don't agree with war in the first place.