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LordTheNightKnight said:
rocketpig said:

Glad to know that kind of hypocrisy (sic) pisses you off. If you were to actually understand my point, it wasn't the complaints that were irritating me, it was the stupid fucking boycott of a company that isn't producing games Wii owners want. Say that you won't support Ubisoft, fine. But to boycott a company for such an inane reason is fucking ridiculous. They're a private enterprise. If this is truly a bad decision, they will feel it in their pocketbook.

And if you still can't see the difference between Wii fans bitching about games they haven't played and will never see versus the whorejob Bethesda is doing to an already-established IP in Fallout, then I don't know what to say. But keep on rockin' the word hypocrite, man. Whatever floats your boat.

No, it's was not that they weren't producing the games they wanted. It was that they were also making piss poor efforts on most of the Wii games they were making, combined with what we though was an official response, that came across as insulting our intelligence.

So again, it wasn't that games aren't being made. It was that games aren't being made, the games that are look like shovelware, and it looked as though they were telling us those are the games Wii owners actually want.

So it was ubisoft seemingly insulting consumers that set this off.

Now ubisoft states that response isn't official, so that means I'll wait and see. Yet that doesn't make us wrong for being upset at first, since we didn't have a way to know that wasn't their official postition. 

Is that really a reason to boycott a company? If dumb PR statements were a good enough reason to make such a stink, the entire world would be boycotting Sony for Ken Kutaragi alone, not to mention Peter Dille and all the other jackasses in that company.

And MS would be boycotted for, well, for being Microsoft.

Fuck it, let's not play any videogames at all. Let's just boycott everybody except Valve because they're about the only developer on Earth that has never put out a bad game. 

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