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I have planted a Pitanga Tree. Have ever had pitanga?

The house I built last year has a 1470m2 yard in it, and I am planting around 2 new fruit trees every month, so I can have, in 2 or 3 years, around 30 fruit trees in the house.

I have 12 so far, lemon, orange, apple, goiaba, peachs, figs, kiwi and mango.

My last was this awesome Pitanga Tree, I have made a video of the work:

It wasn´t easy cause I am really really sick (flu).

So, have you guys ever tried pitanga? It is really good, specially in juice form.

I think planting fruit trees, if you have the space, is a vey smart idea: you attract birds, have tons of fruit and also, it looks anf feels great to have trees around the house.

I do not consider myself a prepper, but I think it also good in case we get into a crisis: fruit can be used as food, source of water and as money.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.