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yeah, don't spout nonsense like that.
If you have a big HD tv, the PS3 pays for itself through the BD and HD playback.

I found it surprising that you do not want to buy COD4 or GTA4. (as you mentioned in the other thread)

I don't know your situation, so I have no room to judge you, but:

To not have the interest to get GTAIV, you must either
1) have it for another system,
2)have no one else around when you game games
3) can't justify the cost of any game at this point in time.

Other than that, I can't fathom a practical reason for not buying the game.
Even if you are not big on the past GTA games, even if your friend has it and you play it a lot at their house (even more of a reason to get it), You should still buy it.

IMO it is an insult to your PS3, a disservice not to buy GTAIV.
Give your games library some oomph.
Give Your life some fun!
Do yourself a favor.
And get over what ever reason to not buy the game that exists in your mind, and buy GTAIV.

You won't regret or forget the decision.

̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.