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I should clarify that if Miyamoto isn't pleased with what he saw at ubiday (where's that photo), then we have a right not to be pleased at the very least.

If it turns out there are good games they still haven't announced, that does not put egg on our faces for being upset. It makes Ubisoft look fooling for showing such shoddy previews, and even allowing the opportunity for people to get upset.

Was the complaining about the PS3 launch undone by the turnaround later on? No. So if ubisoft turns around, that will not mean our complaints now weren't legitimate.

And if it does turn out ubisoft has better games already being made, that still doesn't excuse previews that make the games theat are already making appear to be on the level of shovelware like cruisn' and ninjabread man.

Developers still have a reputation to maintain, and having a reputation for making cheap games, even on one console, just makes it look as though they could be cheap elsewhere.

And I don't mean cheap in the sense of low budget. Those previews show a lot of cutting corners on the level of those shovelware games.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs