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Volterra_90 said:

It's a WiiU sucessor, that makes the Switch 9th gen by definition. And Apple and Samsung don't make consoles as far as I know, so I don't think it has anything to do with the subject. I don't believe in this modern "number wars". The Switch will provide new ways for entertainment, new games, a brand new concept... So, why are we so obsessed about power and specs that we forget about what matters, and start defining gens just by power? Can't we play awesome games on the Switch because of that? No. Tech can't be the only thing that matters. I refuse to believe that's what gaming is all about. A power race. That should never be the new metric.

and then it's wii U an 8th gen consoles ??????

Apple and samsung are making games 

And Switch will not provide anything new , (a lot of games are from Wii U and will come later on another port from Wii U) hell, even their arms games are from 6th games era LOL

And yes Switch is awesome, i just responded to the discusion , even Switch is awesome that alone cannot define as 9th gen.