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DonFerrari said:
Alkibiádēs said:

Except that's not true. The PS4 isn't a portable machine, doesn't have a packed-in motion controller, doesn't have HD rumble, doesn't have detachable controllers, doesn't have splitscreen multiplayer on the go, doesn't use cartridges, etc.

And using a cartridge or detaching controller, rumble or motion control are going to make games that weren't possible before? Or the splitscreen. All of that already exist and you can play today, even if you decide that they together doesn't exist, there isn't necessarily any game that would come only because of it. And that was what you were trying to push before to decide a new gen.

And what game that's on the PS4 wouldn't be possible on the PS3, but with less fancy graphics? Please do tell me. 

Detachable controllers can lead to infinite possibilities. Nintendo can release GC-themed joycons for example which would make it possible to perfectly replicate the control scheme of GC games on the Switch. This can be done for any retro console or game. 

And games like Arms and 1-2 Switch are literally not possible on PS4 hardware. Splitscreen on the go doesn't already exist. In fact, splitscreen on your TV is also dying out on the PS4/X1.

And what handheld offers home console experiences on the go exactly? Switch games even get a boost in resolution when you plug it into the dock. 

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides