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DonFerrari said:

New Generations are brought because the older one wasn't capable of going forward SW wise, being it needs more power to advance. So if you label a console as 9th gen but it isn't capable of playing 8th gen level game then it's quite strange.

Sorry for budding in...

Nintendo isn't driven by how powerful their consoles are and haven't been for the past couple console cycles, why would this all of a sudden change? Why now do their consoles have to be a certain power in order to be labeled as a next gen console? Nintendo is a creative company in that their philosophy is they find new ways to make gaming better, not just more powerful. Nintendo thinks that the Switch is the right step toward producing a brand new system with new ways of playing games. If this isn't the definition of a new generation and people are just getting stuck with the idea that power is the deciding factor then we have a divide of opinions which we can't do anything about.