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It's a fun game but it has its fair share of problems.

The first thing is that it's just ridiculously easy. You eventually this one chick with a bow and she can just do everything by herself. She can kill most non-boss enemies in one turn, she can melee, she can range attack, and she can heal. She makes everyone else worthless.

Also, you get money in the game but it's just worthless. It may be worthwhile later in the game, I don't know because I got like 10 hours into it, but for those first 10 hours it's worthless because you never have a place to spend it. Also, you can make a stupid amount of money in the first hour by just spamming pictures of one of the bosses.

And the thing that finally made me stop the game - Fort Fermatta. This level is like a study on how not to build a level. I'll try to find my rant on it from when I was actually playing the game but that level was just one of the worst levels I've ever played in a game.

Other than that though, the game is beautiful and worth a look.