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Munkeh111 said:
Could someone explain the battle system?

 It's a hybrid real time and turn based system:

 When a battle begins, each character's turn is ordered via speed/agility (or whatever stat it is), like any turn based game.

 When it's a players turn, they have a limited amount of time (that varies by party level, and items) to perform whatever actions - attacks, items, magic, ect. Once the time is used up (about 5seconds), the turn is over for that character, and it goes to the next character.

 When an enemy attacks, you have an active blocking system - by pressing the B button, you can guard against the attack, reducing the damage by 60-80%...Very helpful at mastering. 

Attacks are pretty much button mashing, usually followed by a special attack. As the game progresses, and you reach various chapters, you can increase your party level, which eventually allows you to chain together various player attacks, called "Harmony Chains"..When you attack an enemy, each succuessful hit builds up an "echo" meter, that allows for more damaging special attacks. Later on, if you build up enough echos, you can unleash ultra-powerful harmony chains that usually involve all 3 characters performing 2 special attacks each - doing upto 500,000 on one enemy. The hits are scored in the chains, and combos, so you can pretty much use a harmony chain every single attack later on in the game, making the game incredibly easy...I think I beat the last normal-game boss in 3 turns. 

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.