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It's funny how the PS3 fanboys jump on the wagon of "b.bu.but the PS3 hasn't had any games!"


...But I thought PS3 domination in Japan was supposed to start with:

Ridge Racer 7 Exclusive
Armored Core 4 Exclusive
Gundam Mousou
Hot Shots Golf
Dynasty Warriors 5/6
Yakuza 3

Now, which of those games provided the PS3 some sort of miracle boost? Fact is, none of those games, by the numbers, had the impact on the PS3 nearly as much as Blue Dragon did.

But at any rate: If the 360 is braindead, the PS3 is on life support. The spoiled rich kid got his rear end handed to him by the old man from the country.

You can say the PS3 is future-geared all you want, but when do the Japanese have a mid-generation shift to another console?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.