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Hynad said:
Alkibiádēs said:

All I said are facts that Sony didn't develop any of these games. My first post was clearly talking about games made by Sony, not just published. Otherwise Monster Hunter and Yokai Watch can be considered Nintendo franchises since they publish it outside of Japan. 

Most of Sony's studios are busy developing sequels to already established franchises, just like MS or Nintendo. That's not being negative or positive, but making a neutral observation. The way some Sony fans talk about Nintendo and MS only releasing the same games over and over again you'd think Sony makes nothing but new IPs all the time.

No, you dismiss plenty of Sony games because you think they're either similar to other games, critical or sales disappointment, or "just an other such" games. Despite not having played any of them. You should do the same with Nintendo and say most of their games are "just an other mascot/cartoon themed game". But you don't. You give them a free pass all the time, and dismiss anything from Sony because reasons.

If Nintendo made a sequel to Diddy Kong Racing I'd be just as pissed as with Sony having two racing games. They have the kart genre covered with Mario Kart, Diddy Kong Racing is not needed. And yes, I don't think we need both Driveclub AND Gran Turismo, I'd rather have diversity. And I'm hardly the only one that thinks Days Gone looks incredibly similar to The Last of Us. 

Cartoon is an art-style and mascot games aren't a specific genre, so that's a weird analogy. Nathan Drake is as much of a mascot to Sony as Mario or Zelda are to Nintendo. That doesn't make Uncharted similar to Mario or Zelda. You could claim Nintendo doesn't have enough games with realistic graphics and make a decent point, but this topic is about gameplay, not graphics or art-style. There's a lot of variety between games with "cartoony" graphics anyway. Most of Nintendo's games are visually distinct from one and other, despite the fact that they're unrealistic.  

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides