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rocketpig said:
ItsaMii said:
rocketpig said:
sc94597 said:
rocketpig said:
sc94597 said:
rocketpig said:
Wii owners sure are a whiny bunch. So what if Ubi doesn't have any games for your console? Why do people care so damned much? Is there some sort of legal obligation forcing all developers to make games for the Wii that I'm missing here?

Then don't release ANY games if you don't care about supporting the console with good games.

So the CEO is a lying douchebag? That's your complaint?

If that's your barometer for liking or disliking a company, your list of boycotted companies must be about two miles long.

No most developers that don't want to support the wii come out and say it. Ubisoft lies and then says it ok you get this game. Not to mention that ubisoft was the first to support the wii and made two decent games for it and a good port. Now they ignore it and release shovelware?

So what? There are plenty of companies whose games I don't buy.

Seriously, the people on this forum sound like petulant children who just had their favorite lollipop taken away from them.

I agree. It is almost as pathectic as those user complaining about Fallout 3. The industry does not have to cater to their tastes.

Fallout 3 is a kick in in the balls to those who previously enjoyed the series.

There's quite a bit of a difference there. It would be akin to George Lucas signing off rights to the Star Wars movies to Uwe Boll. People have a right to complain about the direction the series is going. The big difference is that I don't recall hearing the word "boycott" once in any of those discussions. People just said they aren't going to buy the game.


 Then that is the same thing as boycottin.

" abstain from buying or using: to boycott foreign products."