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Snoopy said:
How do we know what the cpu is?

We don't know yet.
It's just what makes sense and what everything is pointing towards.

For example, Microsoft is hinting towards another technology to alleviate the CPU burden, which means there isn't a massive emphasis on CPU performance.
Aka. They are taking Jaguar or a direct successor like Puma and firing up the clockrate.

Consoles typically don't place a large emphasis on CPU performance as that is typically taking up die-space on the SoC, which eats away at potential space for the GPU that draws all the pretty pictures on the screen that helps sell games and hardware.

LurkerJ said:
Called it. Not that it matters in the grand scheme of things. Ps4 Pro didn't set the charts on fire, I can't imagine how the Pro console from an inferior brand with a lackluster 2017 lineup will do any better.

Sales wise I agree. I don't see it being a runaway success.

With that said... The difference in fidelity between the Xbox One and Xbox One "Pro" will be larger than the difference between the Playstation 4 and Playstation 4 Pro, so Xbox Gamers should be happy as the upgrade will seem more tangible and thus "worth it".

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--