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JRPGfan said:

They are going to use special techniques like sony does to reach that 4k tag their aiming for.


JRPGfan said:

Sparce rendering (this is like Sony's checkerboarding, expect instead of being 1800p due to this technique, they are aiming for 2160p).

Thus this is likely not a Sony invention, but an AMD one.

JRPGfan said:

Half rendering (the native buffer is 4k, all the other parts run lower resolutions, shadows, ambient occlusion, light, ect ect effects where thats possible).

This has been done for years. Especially last generation where the game is natively run at a certain resolution with things like light shafts rendered at a lower resolution.

JRPGfan said:

"this might suggest that the scorpio isnt the "true" 4k console, that microsoft marketed it as" - digital foundry.

Well. If the PC can't do it.......................

Random_Matt said:
Jag cores, lol.

I can safely say that I called it before Digital Foundry. ;)

On the bright side, more games should run at a higher resolution and/or framerate more often than the Playstation even if all else remains identical.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--