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 Despite what Crytek says about their engine being heavily threaded, the benchmark results indicate no performance advantage for quad core cpus:

"Although Crytek claimed that Crysis works best with a quad-core processor, that was not evident in the benchmark results. Crysis appeared to benefit more from a faster clock speed and/or a faster FSB speed than it did from having four processing cores (instead of just two)."

Furthermore, even at a low resolution, the game is very GPU bound. Having the game on two different machines (both with overclocked Q6600s, one with a G80 8800 GTS, the other with SLI 8800 GT, the weaker machine struggled with the CPU 2 benchmark @ 1280X1024 HIGH QUALITY NO AA (registering an average frame rate of less than 10 fps) while the stronger machine gets much better fps results while running at a much higher resolution of 1920X1200, both in SLI and NON SLI mode.

The game features a large and detailed world, the likes of which haven't been seen in any other game ever. What this amounts to is the use of large amounts of video ram, which consoles don't have. Considering games that are far less detailed than crysis have had to run at sub HD resolutions on consoles, I can't see them getting it to run at 720p and high quality.