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I'm going through some of Haze myself.
So far the graphics are pretty bad and poorly detailed. The only positives I see is are the smoke effects and facial detail. The animations are awfully bland (glitchy aswell)and textures often pop up while looking low-res most the time. I've seen better fire effects from PS2 games and character models are recycled way to often. The only decent looking stage I've seen so far is the swamp stage with fireflies.
The gameplay is as generic as it gets and has an awful "feel" to it, I can't quite describe it, but there's no "umph" when you shoot your weapons unlike games like COD4,Resistance, Bioshock or Halo. Driving buggies and jeeps are awkwardly annoying to control and the physics engine feels way off. There's also not much variety in the enemies that you face, it's mostly either a guy with a rifle, or shotgun. As a matter of fact, the entire game feels recycled, every stage is much like the one before and the one after. The only interaction the player is involved with is pulling a level or pushing a button, only to be directed to another room/area that looks exactly like the previous. So far I feel that while Haze isn't the worse FPS ever made, but it feels as unpolished as Blacksite51. I haven't tried multiplayer and Co-op yet, but I'm guessing 4 player Co-op can ONLY make this game better.

Regardless, I still find the story interesting and the game still playable.