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Yeah yeah let's get the answer the haters will use out of the way - "I won't be using it at all! hur hur.."

Anyway, for the rest of us wanting to pick up a Switch, what method do you see yourself utilizing this console for the most? Part of the appeal of the console is the ability to use it in a number of ways, with a number of control schemes. The convinence of playing (relatively) home console-quality games independent of the TV screen was one of the (very) few appeals of the Wii U for me.. Now Nintendo has taken that much further and truly created a home console/portable hybrid. Though, not to be overlooked, the tabletop mode I think could also be cool. Proping up 8 screens on a coffee table at a party for instance, while everyone kicks back with a beer and faces off in Bomberman, sounds like a hell of a good time to me. Granted I'm not sure how many situations there'd be where you could FIND 8 people that all happen to own Switches, much less bring them all to one location, but the point being that it's possible.. 

So how do you see yourself playing Switch most often? While I'm more of a home console gamer, especially lately, I can actually see myself "detatching" from the TV screen and playing Switch games in portable mode more often than not. Not that I travel a ton, but even just for kicking back lazily on the couch or in bed. Plus, there's just something cool about playing an epic game like Skyrim on a handheld - since I grew up in the early 90s, when our only options for handheld games were primarily on a tiny grey and puke green Gameboy screen.. I could also see myself using the tabletop feature a lot though too, particularly when hanging with friends or simply wanting to multitask while watching TV. The possibilities! What say you, gamrconnectrs? 


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden