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GribbleGrunger said:
Jazz2K said:

Ofc hardcore gamers will go where the games they want are. Some hardcore gamers put their bias aside and are able to give good advice based on the needs of the person asking. Just because one has many more exclusives doesn't make it the best by default...  see PC.Other factors come into play and since the start of this thread it's like people refuse to admit while exclusives are important they are not the only reason people choose a console over another. I'm willing to bet that company bias is stronger than exclusives. Especially since they sell so few and they are generally announced later in the gen.

Interesting that you say 'are important' but only offer 'not the only reason' for everything else. This means we're getting somewhere because you're prioritising exclusives in that statement and so agreeing with everyone else who has said they're the most important reason. If company bias was one of the reasons then why isn't the US leaning more towards the console that had the much bigger install base in the US last gen? Is 'company bias' transmutable because there's no other explanation if what you're saying is true. If so, then what are the factors that make that possible?

And here's something else to think about: Are people going to buy the Switch for the multiplatform games or the exclusives?

Lol even if I like how you ended your post I think you are far off.

I will always support that exclusives are important, never said they weren't. It doesn't mean they are the only nor the most important part for the masses and I believe that's what the OP is defending. Company bias is very strong in gaming actually, you can choose to ignore it but everyday we get proof of that. You got to remember that except for 360 Playstation was always bigger in the US. So ofc it's still synonymous with gaming. I think what drove people to 360 back in 2005-2006 had nothing to do with exclusives but both price and 1 year headstart. Price will drive the masses way more than exclusives.

On Nintendo's case, Wii sold gangbuster not because of exclusives but because of it's novelty for the price. The same happened with Kinect to a lesser extent. Switch will sell well imo because of a combination of novelty and exclusives (we're talking about Nintendo here).

Anyway my point has always been that exclusives may not be what drive the masses but it can be part of it as long as that exclusive is a blockbuster. Otherwise, mainstream gamers are not going to talk about Nier Automata, Catherine or D4... but they'll talk about Gran Turismo and Halo mainly because they are blockbusters. Most people don't even know these games are exclusives, they just buy them if they have the right console otherwise they buy something else.